Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Post Easter

Have you ever heard of Vanilla Midgees Tootsie Rolls?
You know, the little pieces of heaven in a light blue wrapper that are "limited edition" and only turn up around Easter? Those ones.

I have been craving those little devils for a long while, now, and when I got them for Easter...

Well, you could guess.

My wonderful mother made a special trip to a candy store to look for them (after we couldn't find them in any CVSs, Walgreens, Drug Marts, Target, Walmart.. The list could go on) and finally, prevailed.

Whilst searching for the sparkly blue bag, I sent my dad a text asking him to look for them, too, since three pairs of eyes are better than two.

He ordered some online for me. I know, what super awesome parents I have.

So in total, on Easter day, I had three whole bags of those bad boys.

The following is an animated depiction of what happened soon after.
And then, inevitably...

If you celebrate, hope you had a lovely holiday. And I totally know you can relate.
If you don't, I'm sure you can relate anyway because REALLY..


Monday, April 1, 2013


There's a girl in my growth and developmental psych class who is probably dying for attention.
That's just my guess.
But that's probably right. 

She asks ridiculously stupid questions that most of the time have nothing to do with the subject we're talking about. 
She likes hearing her voice I think.
Also she acts like she knows everything and "corrects" the teacher. 

But she's wrong. 
Oh, so wrong. 

I drew this in my class today, because when inspiration hits, I won't let it fleet away. 
Shut up, girl. I don't want to hear it. 

She drives me bonkers. Never have I been so cruel in my life. 

And then, you know what happened? 
She left. 
She just walked out of the class.

And I swear you heard the entire class sigh with relief. 

Don't be that girl/guy.