And long distance.
Likes video games, wears a hand knit forest green beanie, has a thing for clavicles, has grey-green eyes, is translucently pale, and has burning passions.
I found him! InTexas... but I mean distance wasn't on the list of requirements.
So this is how we roll.
I lay around staring at my computer, hating all the happy couple pictures, secretly plotting their demises when I have the free time. Like, welcome to my life.
I also spend an unhealthy amount of time looking at #LDR on ALL of the websites. But I mean, there are so many cute gifts and junk. I admit I made mugs with our states on them (ahem, above).
When really, they should have looked like this (ahem, below).
We plan Skype date nights and text, but it's definitely hard to be so far apart when all you really need is a cuddle after an awful day that was about 24 hours too long.
Also maybe I'm crazy and am insanely jealous of all the people who get to see him on a regular basis.
And maybe I especially want to axe murder any girl who even looks at him.