Wednesday, January 23, 2013

6 Reasons Why Inside is the Best Side

1. Your bed is inside! You can cuddle and sleep all day if you wanted to.

2. Social interaction is required when you leave the house, that includes kindness, consideration, and a whole lot of crap that you don't care for!

3. You can play games, write books, draw, read, watch videos..

4. This rule only applies to people with pets, sorry.
5. You don't have to be 100% hygienic. Who cares? You're at home!

6. This is the most important and correlates with number 3..You have internet inside, and you can browse to your heart's content without being judged by others about what you're looking at (I don't know, you guys could be weirdos) or how long you've been looking at it!

As you can see, there's lots of love inside, but there's only hate and evil and judgmental jerks outside.

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